Getting Started with the PyTorch Chainguard Image

Tutorial on the PyTorch Chainguard Image

Chainguard offers a minimal, low-CVE image for deep learning with PyTorch that includes support for the CUDA parallel computing platform for performing computation on supported GPUs. This introductory guide to Chainguard’s pytorch image will walk you through fine-tuning an image classification model, saving the model, and running it securely for inference. We’ll also compare the security and footprint of the PyTorch Chainguard Image to the official runtime image distributed by PyTorch and present ways to adapt the resources in this tutorial to your own deep learning projects powered by PyTorch.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that leverages a flexible computational architecture, the neural network, to address a wide variety of tasks. Neural networks emulate the structure of the brain and consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) that each contain an associated weight and threshold. In concert with an activation function, these values determine whether data is propagated within the network, producing an output layer corresponding to a classification, regression, or other result.

By technical convention, a deep neural network (DNN) has at least three layers: an input layer, an output layer, and one or more hidden layers. In practice, DNNs often have many layers.

Deep neural networks underpin many common computational tasks in modern applications, such as speech to text and generative AI.

Setting up CUDA

Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is a parallel computing platform developed by NVIDIA. To take advantage of connected GPUs, you’ll need to follow the setup instructions for your local machine or create a CUDA-enabled instance on a cloud provider.

To set up CUDA on your local machine, follow the installation instructions for Linux or Windows. CUDA is not currently supported on Mac OS.

Google Cloud Platform provides CUDA-ready deep learning instances, including PyTorch-specific instructions. Amazon Web Services also provides CUDA-ready deep learning instances.

This guide is designed for use in an environment with access to one or more NVIDIA GPUs. However, the code below is written to also run in a CPU-only environment. Please note that tuning the model will take significantly longer in a CPU-only environment.

Testing Access to GPUs

Our first step is to check whether our PyTorch-CUDA environment has access to connected GPUs.

If you don’t already have Docker Engine installed, follow the instructions for installing Docker Engine on your host machine.

Run the below command to pull the image, run it with GPU access, and start a Python interpreter inside the running container.

docker run --rm -it \
 --gpus all \

Running the above for the first time may take a few minutes to pull the pytorch Chainguard Image, currently 3.3GB. Once the image runs, you will be interacting with a Python interpreter in the running container. Enter the following commands at the prompt to check the availability of your GPU.

Python 3.11.9 (main, Apr  2 2024, 15:40:32) [GCC 13.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import torch
>>> torch.cuda.is_available()
>>> torch.cuda.device_count()
>>> torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)
'Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB'

If the CUDA computing environment is accessible to PyTorch, torch.cuda.is_available() will return True. You should also check that at least one GPU is connected. If your environment only has access to CPU, you can complete the rest of this tutorial, but the step of fine-tuning the pretrained model will take significantly longer.

Once you’ve determined that your environment has access to CUDA and connected GPUs, exit the container by typing Control-d or by typing exit() and pressing Enter. You should be returned to the prompt of your host machine.

Training and Inference Overview

A common workflow in deep learning is to collect labeled data, train a model using that data, and store the model. Later, this model can be loaded and used for inference, or making predictions based on novel inputs not in the training set. For example, we might train a model to recognize animals, then store the model as a serialized and compressed file. Later, and possibly in a new environment, we can load the model and use it to perform a classification task on novel data, such as an image of a whale provided by a user.

It is common for model training to be performed in a development environment, and for inference to be performed in a production environment. We will follow this assumption in this tutorial, but be mindful not to use privileged access or root users in production.

In this tutorial, we’ll fine-tune a pretrained model for an image classification task: classifying whether a provided image is an octopus 🐙, a whale 🐳, or a penguin 🐧. We’ve chosen these animals in appreciation of Wolfi / Chainguard Images, Docker, and Linux, respectively. Rather than train a model from scratch, a process that requires a large set of input data, we’ll start with a ResNet model with 18 layers (resnet18). Using a fine-tuning approach with a pretrained model with relatively few layers is appropriate when using a limited amount of input data. In our case, we’ll be using 60 images for each class, further divided into 40 training and 20 validation images.

For the training step, we’ll be accessing the image as root. This allows us to save the model to a volume and preserve it on the host system. In our inference step, we’ll access the container as the nonroot user, an approach that will be more secure for a production use case.

Fine-Tuning the Model

In this section, we’ll download prepared data to your environment, download a model training script, and run the script to train and save the model. These tasks will all be performed by running the below command. Further details on the Docker command, input data, and script are provided later in the section.

First check that curl and tar are available on your system, and install them if necessary. Docker Engine will also need to be installed.

Run the following to download necessary files and train the model. If there is an issue with the command, see the manual step-by-step instructions below.

Note: if you’re following this tutorial in an environment without access to GPU, remove the --gpus all \ line below before running.

mkdir image_classification && cd image_classification
curl | \
 tar -xz --strip=1 pytorch-getting-started-main/ && \
 docker run --user root --rm -it \
 --gpus all \
 -v "$PWD/:/home/nonroot/octopus-detector" \ \

The above command creates a new folder, image_classification, and changes the working directory to that folder. It then uses curl to download the training script and training and validation images from GitHub as a tar file and extracts the files. A container based on the pytorch image is then created and the script and data are shared between host and container in a volume. The model is trained using the provided script and data, and the resulting model is saved to the volume.

Training should take 1-3 minutes in a GPU-equipped environment, and 20-30 minutes in a CPU-only environment. Once the command completes, you can check your current working directory for a trained model as a .pt file:

$ ls

Manual Steps to Fine-Tune the Model

Below are manual steps to perform the above download and training procedure interactively. You may wish to follow these steps if you need to modify the above for your own use case, if you’d like to better understand the steps involved, or if you have difficulty running the above command in your environment. These steps use git clone rather than curl. Also note that this manual process uses the :latest-dev version of the image, since the :latest production image does not include shells such as bash for increased security.

In the below steps, the prompt of your host machine will be denoted as (host) $, while the prompt of the container machine will be denoted as (container) $

  1. Check that you have Git and Docker installed:

    (host) $ git --version
    git version 2.30.2
    (host) $ docker --version
    Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
  2. Clone the repository with the training and validation data and the training script and cd into the cloned repository:

    (host) $ git clone
    (host) $ cd pytorch-getting-started
  3. Run the below command to start an interactive session in a running pytorch Chainguard Image with root access. If your environment doesn’t have access to GPU, remove the --gpus all \ line before running. Note the volume option, which creates a volume on the container based on the current working directory, allowing access to our training script and data inside the container. Remember that this guide assumes you are training the model in a controlled development environment—do not use root access in any production senario.

    (host) $ docker run --user root --rm -it \
     --gpus all \
     --entrypoint bash \
     -v "$PWD/:/home/nonroot/octopus-detector" \
  4. You should now have access to an interactive shell inside the container. Navigate to the created volume:

    (container) $ cd /home/nonroot/octopus-detector/
    (container) $ pwd
  5. Run the model-training script:

    (container) $ python 
    Downloading: "" to /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/resnet18-f37072fd.pth
    🐙 Epoch 0/24
    🐳 train Loss: 0.9276 Acc: 0.5583
    🐧 val Loss: 0.2275 Acc: 0.9500
    🐙 Epoch 24/24
    🐳 train Loss: 0.1940 Acc: 0.9167
    🐧 val Loss: 0.0248 Acc: 1.0000
    Training complete in 1m 39s
    Best val Acc: 1.000000
  6. If the script ran successfully, you should have a saved model serialized as a .pt file in the current working directory:

    (container) $ ls data
  7. At this point, you’ve trained your model. Shut down the container by pressing Control-d or by typing exit and pressing Enter. Since we used a volume, the model should also be present on the host machine:

    (host) $ ls data

Running Inference

You have now downloaded the resnet18 pretrained model and fine-tuned it to detect three classes of images: octopuses, whales, and penguins. Now that the model is trained, we can load it, pass in a new image, and receive the model’s prediction. Using an existing model for prediction is called inference, and in many common scenarios inference is run in a production environment. For this reason, we’ll access our existing model with the nonroot user in this section.

The script ( run in the above commands has been written to check if a model exists in the same folder and, if present, load it. It will also perform inference if a path to an image is passed as an argument when the script is run. Since we should now have a model file present on our host machine, let’s go ahead and run inference on a new image of an octopus.

Feel free to find your own image of an octopus on the web, or run the below command to download an image not in the training data. The training data used realistic images, so you may not wish to choose, for example, a stylized or cartoon image of an octopus.

curl > octopus.jpg

Now that we have a novel input, let’s run inference to classify the image:

 docker run --rm -it \
 --gpus all \
 -v "$PWD/:/home/nonroot/octopus-detector" \ \
 "/home/nonroot/octopus-detector/" \

After running this, you should see the model’s classification of the image as output:


Feel free to try the above inference on other images of octopuses, whales, and penguins. The model should have high accuracy for images similar to those in the training set, which consists of photorealistic images.

Notes on the Script

In this section, we’ll review the script provided in the above steps, highlighting some common options and approaches and a few ways the script might be adapted to other use cases. Deep learning is a complex and emerging field, so this section can only provide a high-level overview and a few recommendations for moving forward.

To fine-tune a model for image classification as we did here, you can replace the provided training and validation data with your own. The script examines the number of folders in the training set to determine the targeted number of classes. The folder names are used as class labels. We used 40 training and 20 validation images for each class, but a ratio of 5:1 training to validation may also produce good results.

By fine-tuning a pretrained model, we took advantage of transfer learning, meaning that the pretrained model (resnet18) was already trained on inputs with relevance to our classification task. Because we used transfer learning, the relatively small amount of input data was still sufficient for good accuracy in our fine-tuned model. If you’re working with a large amount of input data, you might consider using a larger pretrained model, such as resnet34. In addition, if training using significantly more data or training using limited computation relative to the task, you may consider the more efficient convolutional neural network as fixed feature extractor approach, which trains only one attached layer rather than updates the original model.

PyTorch maintains a set of guides that are frequently updated. These provide a good starting point when undertaking a new project in PyTorch. If you’re new to the field of deep learning, the book Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch hosts freely available materials on GitHub.