How to Use Chainguard Images

A primer on how to migrate to Chainguard Images

Chainguard Images are based on Wolfi, our Linux undistro designed specifically for containers. Wolfi uses the Alpine apk package format, which contributes in making packages smaller and more accountable, resulting in smaller images with traceable provenance information based on cryptographic signatures.

In this guide, you’ll find general instructions on how to get started using Chainguard Images and how to migrate existing container-based workflows to use our images. For specific image usage instructions, please refer to our Chainguard Images Directory, which contains the full list of all images available to the public and their respective documentation.

Quickstart: Using Chainguard Images

To get up and running with Chainguard Images, you can use docker commands to pull and run images. For each specific image, you’ll find this guidance on its overview page (for example, see Node, Python, or NGINX).

Pulling a Chainguard Image

You can pull a Chainguard Image with the docker pull command. For example, to pull down the Git Chainguard Image, you can run the following.

docker pull

Without passing a tag or a digest, the reference to the Git image will pull down the default tag, which is :latest.

If you have your own registry, you’ll need to change the path to your own registry path.

Chainguard Developer Images are also available on Docker Hub. Check out Chainguard’s organization page on Docker Hub for a list of all images and instructions. Note that Production Images can only be accessed from

Pulling by Tag

You can also add a relevant tag that you have access to. In the case of the public Git image, you can always pull the :latest tag. Note that not all tags are available for public images.

docker pull

You may use tags to pull a specific version of a software like Git, or programming language version in a catalog you have access to. The Chainguard Images Directory has tag history pages for each image, for example, the Git Image Tags History, PHP Image Tags History, and JDK Image Tags History.

You can learn about the Chainguard Images tags history in our guide about Using the Tag History API.

Pulling by Digest

Pulling a Chainguard Image by its digest guarantees reproducibility, as it will ensure that you are using the same image each time (versus the tag that may receive updates).

To pull an image by its digest, you can do so by appending the digest which begins with sha256.

docker pull

When you pull this image, you’ll receive output of the digest which should match the exact digest you have pulled.

To learn more about image digests, you can review our video How to Use Container Image Digests to Improve Reproducibility.

Specifying Architecture

As Chainguard Images are built for both AMD64 and ARM64 architecture, you can specify the architecture you would like to use by employing the --platform flag with the docker pull command. In this example, we’ll specify using the linux/arm64 architecture with the Go image.

docker pull --platform=linux/arm64

After pulling the image, you can verify the architecture by calling the version.

docker run --rm -t version

You’ll receive output similar to the following:

go version go1.21.0 linux/arm64

Specifying the platform will ensure that you’re using the desired image and relevant architecture.

Running a Chainguard Image

You can run a Chainguard Image with the docker run command. Note that because Chainguard Images are minimalist containers, most of them ship without a shell or package manager. If you would like a shell, you can often use the development image, which is tagged as :latest-dev (for example, Python has its dev image at Otherwise, you can work with Chainguard Images in way similar to other images.

Let’s run the Cosign Chainguard Image to check its version.

docker run --rm -t version

You’ll receive the version information that confirms the image is working as expected.

  ______   ______        _______. __    _______ .__   __.
 /      | /  __  \      /       ||  |  /  _____||  \ |  |
|  ,----'|  |  |  |    |   (----`|  | |  |  __  |   \|  |
|  |     |  |  |  |     \   \    |  | |  | |_ | |  . `  |
|  `----.|  `--'  | .----)   |   |  | |  |__| | |  |\   |
 \______| \______/  |_______/    |__|  \______| |__| \__|
cosign: A tool for Container Signing, Verification and Storage in an OCI registry.

GitVersion:    2.0.0
GitCommit:     unknown
GitTreeState:  unknown
BuildDate:     unknown
GoVersion:     go1.20.1
Compiler:      gc
Platform:      linux/arm64

If you would like to review a filesystem, you can use the wolfi-base image:

docker run -it

This will start a Wolfi container where you can explore the file system and investigate which packages are available.

Continue reading the next section to learn more about building off of the Wolfi base image.

Extending Chainguard Base Images

It often happens that you want a distroless image with one or two extra packages, for example you may have a binary with a dependency on curl or git. Ideally you’d like a base image with this dependency already installed. There are a few options here:

  1. Compile the dependency from source and use a multi-stage Dockerfile to create a new base image. This works, but may require considerable effort to get the dependency compiling and to keep it up to date. This process quickly becomes untenable if you require several dependencies.
  2. Use the wolfi-base image that includes apk tools to install the package in the traditional Dockerfile manner. This works but sacrifices a lot of the advantages of the “distroless” philosophy.
  3. Use Chainguard’s melange and apko tooling to create a custom base image. This keeps the image as minimal as possible without sacrificing maintainability.

Using the wolfi-base Image

The wolfi-base image is a good starting point to try out Chainguard Images. Unlike most of the other images, which are strictly distroless, wolfi-base includes the apk package manager, which facilitates composing additional software into it. Just keep in mind that the resulting image will be a little larger due to the extra software and won’t have a comprehensive SBOM that covers all your dependencies, since the new software will be added as a layer on top of wolfi-base.

The following command will pull the wolfi-base image to your local system and run an interactive shell that you can use to explore the image features:

docker run -it --rm /bin/sh -l

First you will need to update the list of packages available in Wolfi:

apk update

Now you can use apk search to search for packages that are already available on Wolfi repositories:

apk search curl

More packages will be added with time, as the ecosystem matures and drives community involvement.

Looking for a specific package that is not yet available? Feel free to open an issue on the wolfi-os GitHub repository.

Using the wolfi-base Image within Dockerfiles

Following, you can see an example of a Dockerfile that uses wolfi-base as base image, installing the packages curl and jq in order to make a query to the advice slip API:


RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache --update-cache curl jq

CMD curl -s --http1.1 | jq .slip.advice

You can build this Dockerfile as usual:

docker build . -t advice-slip:test

Then, execute the image with:

docker run -it --rm advice-slip:test

You should get output like this, with a random piece of advice:

"Big things have small beginnings."

Check also the Wolfi Images with Dockerfiles guide for more examples using Wolfi-based images with Dockerfiles, and the Getting Started with Distroless guide for more details about distroless images and how to use them in Docker multi-stage builds.

A Note regarding package availability in Chainguard Images

Chainguard Images only contain packages that come from the Wolfi Project or those that are built and maintained internally by Chainguard.

Starting in March of 2024, Chainguard will maintain one version of each Wolfi package at a time. These will track the latest version of the upstream software in the package. Chainguard will end patch support for previous versions of packages in Wolfi. Existing packages will not be removed from Wolfi and you may continue to use them, but be aware that older packages will no longer be updated and will accrue vulnerabilities over time. The tools we use to build packages and images remain freely available and open source in Wolfi.

This change ensures that Chainguard can provide the most up-to-date patches to all packages for our Images customers. Note that specific package versions can be made available in Production Images. If you have a request for a specific package version, please contact us.

Last updated: 2024-08-19 15:56